Saturday, August 20, 2005

Sorry, Ann... You Might Have Been Wrong

This is a definite feel good story... ummm... that is, unless you happen to be a wacked-out liberal... then, it's pretty much a nightmare.

[[ As a young lawyer in the Reagan administration, John Roberts consistently advocated a more limited role for the courts, staking a classically conservative position that decisions on social policies were best left to elected legislators, not judges with lifetime tenure.

In the thousands of pages of documents released in the past month, Roberts - now nominated for a seat on the Supreme Court - has emerged as a forceful defender of President Ronald Reagan and his policies, and as an advocate who carefully articulated the administration's positions on key social issues, from abortion to school prayer
. ]] (LINK to good news)

We do well to remember that there is almost nothing more important to the survival of our way of life than to ensure the right judges occupy the courts. The DFL gets it... and that is why they are going full-court-press to find ANYTHING that can stop Judge Roberts' appointment.


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