Saturday, September 03, 2005

Compare And Contrast

Okay, so far, we've compared what Conservative and liberal blogs were doing in the wake of the hurricane disaster. It has also been clear exactly who is working feverishly to save people and who is sitting somewhere else blaming and whining and accusing.

Now, here are some new articles to compare. This first one is actually a fairly balanced piece from the AP that tells all of the amazing things that are being done on a federal level. Notice the staggering amount of resources that are involved. Not really pro or con, this one actually tries to just tell the story.

(LINK to story)

Next, let's look at what is, without question, one of the most vicious attack pieces ever written (and that is saying a lot). I'm not joking... this one is I N S A N E. Well, it's jimmy breslin, so you know it will be a nice michael moorish thing.

(LINK to insanity)

Then, just to complete it all... let's not forget to add racism accusations and stir well.

(LINK to racism accusations)

Well, do we have a nice comparison model now?

I think I'll go and re-read the Ben Stein column... call me when the liberals stop crying.

Oh, never mind... just call me when dinner is ready.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm already eating dinner and quaffing a pint of St. Pauli Girl, to boot.

As to the racism accusations, I mean seriously, what do you expect from a guy with a name like Butts? I mean, the poor guy's probably bitter as hell and has a major chip on his shoulder from all of the teasing he took as a kid...

Pomozi Bog.
Tsar Lazar

3/9/05 20:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if he changed his first name from Seymour?

3/9/05 21:09  
Blogger kmg said...

It's the gift of St Pauli Girl, SAJ... brings out the best in him!

4/9/05 10:01  

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