Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Crucifying President Bush

Here is a very heartfelt column by James Lewis. We sometimes forget that Dubya is a human being... and a very good one, at that. Can any of us imagine the kind of blistering attacks he has faced for so many years now? He has help up well, though... that is for sure.

[[ It is a painful thing to see a good and decent man slandered and abused. George W. Bush has been crucified in the media for five years, day after day. This week, after the unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe of New Orleans, the media mob is screaming louder than ever. It is a gruesome thing to watch, made worse because we can see the impact on him as a person. ]]

Reading the whole thing is good for you.

Whole heartfelt thing



Blogger kmg said...

Yeah... me bad like Dubya... me want drink much oil... me want take bath in blood of poor people... me want make party suit from skin of minorities... me want everyone dead now except for neocons...

6/9/05 09:48  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like Nagin is trying to backpeddle a little bit about the president. He is turning on the governor now so maybe he realized that the truth was in his best interest. Or at least part of the truth!

6/9/05 18:17  
Blogger Barbara said...

Those that have more than 'self' on our minds understand what President Bush is about - the way he tends to business, rather than trying to appease those on the left. I applaud what he has done during his time in office. He's not perfect, but, neither are we!

6/9/05 20:05  

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