Saturday, September 24, 2005

A "Fresh" Idea

Frank Wolf hits many nails on the head here. Not the least of which is what the consequences of failure in Iraq would be. He just returned from his third trip to the war zone and is speaking from the side of truth that he has seen with his own eyes (what a concept, eh?).

[[ During my trip I asked everyone I met with -- from members of the Iraqi leadership to senior military officers to State Department personnel -- what "failure" in Iraq would mean to the United States and the world. The responses were chilling. Most agreed there would be civil war, leading to chaos and the creation of another safe harbor for terrorists, reminiscent of Afghanistan in the 1990s. Many said the entire Persian Gulf region would become destabilized, possibly leading to the downfall of the governments of Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. I heard references to Somalia and the former Yugoslavia, with its ethnic cleansing. U.S. credibility also is at stake. Reformers throughout the region would believe that America is a fair-weather friend, not to be depended upon, and the fragile seeds of democratic reform would be destroyed before they even took root. ]]

Someone really should go and explain this to the idiots "marching for peace" this weekend.

Here's the whole thing: Fresh Eyes On Iraq

By the way, notice at the end how quick the washington post is to distance itself from this column with their disclaimer. Do they do that with all of the liberal columns they run?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Am I naive ..."

Unfortunately, yes, I think you are being naive to think that. Nothing is going to put a lid on the antiwar crowd, because they have no connection with reality. People like that live for the rush they get from standing up to the big bad AUTHORITIES, and anyone who tries to tell them their efforts are unnecessary will only be ignored as an obvious tool of the opressors. By the standards of any war in history (with the possible exception of the concurrent effort in Afghanistan), American casualties in Iraq are ludicrously low for what has been accomplished, and they could have been much lower yet were the US military not so painfully careful to avoid hurting innocent bystanders. Yes, mistakes happen, and will happen again, but it's hard to see how anyone could do much better. Unfortunately, the best we can hope for is that people will eventually recognize the antiwar crowd as the barking moonbats that they are, and stop paying attention ...



24/9/05 14:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a lighter note, with reference to the antiwar crowd: if the president rides around in Air Force One, would that make Cindy Sheehan's tour bus ... "Moonbat One" ... ?


24/9/05 19:18  
Blogger Lew Scannon said...

Talk about a disconnect with reality, how about you right wing nut jobs who think the war is a good idea, but are too craven and cowardly to actually fight there yourself. If the war was such a good idea, why did Bush LIE to justify the invasion? There were no WMD, no ties to AlQeida, no links to 9/11. US credibility is already shot worldwide, Iraq is already a dismal failure with no exit strategy and billions of taxpayer dollars going to Halliburton even after they've been caught over charging the government. And as Hurricane Katrina has shown (besides Bush's general incompetence; he ran that catastrophe like he ran his two oil companies into the ground) we are not any safer at home as tax dollars, National guard units and equiptment are being squandered in another Republican quagmire. Hooray for idiots like you! Another clueles American.

24/9/05 19:52  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to lew scannon...

Wow, Bush lied about WMD's, Iraq had no al-Qaeda ties, Halliburton, and quagmire. You almost hit on all of the moonbat talking points. You forgot the evil Karl Rove...but pretty good for a beginner.

Okay, just a few facts for you. If you think that Saddam didn't have WMD's, what was it that killed all of those Kurds? And if Iraq had no al-Qaeda ties, than why was Zarqawi treated at the hospital in Iraq after he was injured in Afghanistan? And as far as Katrina, I think that time has proven that it was the Democratic mayor and the Democratic governor who totally dropped the ball.

Why don't you go back to Michael Moore's website, drink your Kool-Aid, bark at the moon...and don't forget your pointy tin foil hat (you know, so they can't read your thoughts). You'll feel much better with your own kind.

Buh, bye.

24/9/05 21:15  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, let's give Mr. Scannon this much credit: he's at least willing to sign his name to his statements. I can't say that I agree with any of what he's written, but I have to respect him for that much.


24/9/05 21:39  
Blogger kmg said...

Screw Lew Scannon (and I think that is your real name):

It looks like TJ pretty much wood-shedded you, so I'll just add that I am really rooting for you in the big moonbat derby. I think you have a real chance to be the next cindy sheehan.

You might want to find some kind of hook or angle that hasn't been tried yet, though. Trust me, those tired old talking points are not going to get you very far against the cutting edge liberals out there.

For example, you did well by attacking the hurricane response thing... but your competition is out there actually saying that Bush blew up the levees on purpose!!

Don't you see that they are reaching for the stars while you are still caught drinking yesterday's kool-aid?

I'm guessing that something tragic happened to you during the self-esteem phase of your liberal indoctrination. Work on that, too.

Finally, I appreciate the honesty that you showed by signing the bottom of your post in a factual manner. I think it showed a lot of courage for you to sign off with "Another clueless American"...

24/9/05 21:47  
Blogger kmg said...

"...but are too craven and cowardly to actually fight there yourself. ..."

At the risk of "feeding" you, I'll just reply a little bit to this.

I spent two decades in the Marine Corps- going and doing wherever and whatever I was ordered- and fighting whomever I was told to fight.

I would very gladly do so again for another two decades.

Additionally, you sleep soundly in your little bed because of my current work protecting nuclear material from terrorists who would love nothing more than to turn you into an ignorant radioactive cinder.

Finally, my son is currently on active duty and has already served one tour of duty in Iraq.

So you may, dear sir, take your "chickenhawk" argument and shove it forcefully up your ass.

With all due respect, of course.

24/9/05 23:34  

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