Tuesday, September 20, 2005


You know, when I saw this headline, I got all misty-eyed.

John Hinckley Wants A Girlfriend

I wanted to help him, so the first thing I thought of was advice: If the reincarnation believers are right and you get another chance at life, John- I strongly recommend that you do not try to assassinate a President. Then, you will be free to pursue romantic relationships all you want.

Then I realized that was probably too mean-spirited.

So, my next recommendation is for him to contact people who have a lot in common with him. Hmmm... let's see... who else is insane, gets slobbered over by the media, and- of course- hates Republican Presidents enough to do violence to them?

Of course! HER!


On second thought... perhaps Hinckly is suffering enough...



Anonymous Anonymous said...


John Hinkley and Cindy Sheehan! Thats priceless!

20/9/05 15:25  

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