Sunday, December 11, 2005

Enough, Already!

It is good to see Christians- and common sense people of all religions, for that matter- fighting back at the PC idiots.

That very loud minority out there is in dire need of being put in their place... and it looks like that is starting to happen.

[[ If this were allowed to continue, we'd soon be stringing "holiday" lights on the "holiday" tree, wishing each other "Merry Winter" and going "celebration" shopping at the department store's Seasons' Greetings sale.

But now, after years of all this "holiday" grinching, Americans are revolting and demanding Christmas back.

This week, fury erupted after the White House Christmas card omitted the word Christmas yet again, including wishes instead for a happy "holiday season."

Retailers facing boycotts over a lack of Christmas signage have caved, with Lowe's agreeing to take down "holiday tree" signs and Target on Friday agreeing to use "Christmas" in its advertisements.

The glittering spruce on the Capitol lawn in Washington reclaimed its Christmas tree title this year after a decade as a generic "holiday" monument.

Even Sheriff Joe Arpaio joined the fray, announcing Thursday that he'll be playing religious holiday music all day, every day in Tent City Jail and other Maricopa County Sheriff's Office jails. He'll include songs by the Chipmunks for the atheists, he says.

Okay... that was too funny! Still, I wonder how this will play with the liberal powers that be. It is always amusing to hear the deafening silence from the main democrats when this issue comes up. There is just no way for them to win here.

Gotta love it.

Happy Indeterminate-Holiday-Of-Your-Personal-Belief-System

Christians Push Back (Lovingly, Of Course)



Blogger Barbara said...

Oh, come on! You can do better than that. Wish us all a MERRY CHRISTMAS. At least, that's what a WalMart employee did last night, when I went through her line. I smiled and said "Merry Christmas to you". I had done it earlier this week in a store where ae young woman said, "Have a happy Holiday"... and I turned and said, Merry Christmas to you, and got no response, not even a turn of the head.

11/12/05 13:48  
Blogger Michael said...

Its encouraging to see people fighting back against the PC lobby. However, many Christians are under the PC spell, and are more devoted to the social gospel of PC as opposed to the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

12/12/05 02:59  
Blogger kmg said...

VERY true, Michael... and very sad.

12/12/05 05:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone wrote a letter to the editor in the Virgninian-Pilot today saying they were Jewish and would be offended if a menorah had to be called a "candle rack," so why on earth would a Christmas tree have to be called a holiday tree when it's a....CHRISTMAS TREE.

Made perfect sense to me!

13/12/05 05:59  

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