Friday, June 30, 2006

A Reminder Of True Class

My recent "discussion" with the liberal troll on my letter to Murtha post (see the comments on this post here) got me to thinking about how we "right-wing extremists" support the President. As I explained to the little troll, I do strongly support President Bush on many issues- especially on his standing up to evil, and on the wars.

While this administration (especially since they won re-election) has done many things that have made me spitting mad, I am still thankful each and every day that we were spared gore and j f'n kerry (he served in Vietnam, by the way).

What really brought many of us to President Bush's side in the first place, though? Well, a big part of it for me was his attitude and his class. Sometimes it is maddening to watch him take horrific insults and then turn the other cheek... but it is simply who this man is.

Here is a very good look at this subject... and it is a good reminder for all of us in these fractious times. An added bonus is that it is sure to upset lots of BDS liberals- like the troll I was "discussing" things with.

Bush's Decency Highlights Democrats Incivility

It could also be called "Class versus Crass."

Please read it.


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