Sunday, July 30, 2006

Whacked Out Wackos

Here's the mighty Michelle Malkin with a great column about how nice the "peace" activists have become.

[[ You're walking down the street when you spot an antiwar protester wielding a peace sign on the corner. Quick, what do you do? Duck.

As we battle global jihad, perplexed and apoplectic pacifists show their true colors. Rainbow tie-dye has turned to raging-bull red.

Nobel Peace Laureate Betty Williams displayed what the Australian media called "her feisty Irish spirit" to hundreds of schoolchildren this week in a murder-minded diatribe against President Bush. "I have a very hard time with this word 'nonviolence,' because I don't believe that I am nonviolent," confessed Mrs. Williams. On the plus side, the rest of the sane world will no longer make the mistake of believing Peace Prize-winner Mrs. Williams is nonviolent, either (though the Nobel committee took the peace out of Peace Prize when it handed one to suicide bomber manufacturer Yasser Arafat in 1994).

While the kids cheered, Mrs. Williams, the world-renowned pacifist, fumed: "Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." In America, we don't call this irrational hatred "feisty Irish spirit." We call it "unhinged." Or, as Charles Krauthammer first diagnosed it, Bush Derangement Syndrome.

You know the deal... read the whole thing.

Berserk "Peace" Activism



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm experiencing a bit of deja vu (please excuse my FRENCH)! LOL
It's a damn shame that pre-frontal lobotomies are concidered "elective surgery" these days, not to mention "sterilization". The world could be a better place with those options on the table, as it were. These "non-violent" peaceniks could use a snip or two... :-P

30/7/06 18:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't object to their rantings,
it is a great thing that they are pubicizing their real sentiments.
everything you do, everything you say,
may and probably will be used against you by the GOOGLE SPIDER as it crawls these websites and detects,analyzes,indexes and caches all of your remarks for future use and research.
so they are helping all of us to know who they are and where they are too.
in the upcoming conflict in the CONUS there will be some of that,

that's called the BRASS system.

30/7/06 21:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand and appreciate where you're coming from, heciii. It's that damned Scots/Irish, and "Kraut" blood in my veins! I can get hot under the coller real easy at times, and I vent...LOL.
Two things set me off the deep end quick: hypocrites and liars...most everything else I can take in stride.
If any of these crack-pots feel the need to use my words against me, that's fine, if they really want to embarass themselves...:-P

31/7/06 21:48  

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