Some Casper debunking going on!

Here's a story that might take the "Boo!" right out of your Halloween! Enjoy!
Science bites myth of vampires, ghosts By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer
Thu Oct 26, 7:50 PM ET
WASHINGTON - It may be the season for vampires, ghosts and zombies. Just remember, they're not real, warns physicist Costas Efthimiou. Obviously, you might say. But Efthimiou, a professor at the University of Central Florida, points to surveys that show American gullibility for the supernatural.
Using science and math, Efthimiou explains why it is ghosts can't walk among us while also gliding through walls, like Patrick Swayze in the movie "Ghost." That violates Newton's law of action and reaction. If ghosts walk, their feet apply force to the floor, but if they go through walls they are without substance, the professor says.
"So which is it? Are ghosts material or material-less?" he asks.
Zombies and vampires fare even worse under Efthimiou's skeptical microscope.
Link to the whole story.
Of course, there's another side to this phenom...Here's a cool website that has a lot of crap to tell you about why they are real and they do float among us. There's also a lot of creepy-ass pictures.
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