Thursday, December 07, 2006

Dear muslim

This is an amazing column... it is a simple appeal to the rational, human side of muslims. It comes from Amil Imani, an Iranian-born American citizen who is working hard to get through to the "moderate" muslims. America, Mr. Imani says, is a place of life and hope for oppressed muslims. The case he makes is ironclad and can only be argued with 7th Century words and ideas.

[[ Dear Muslim, being born human comes with a precious gift: the gift to think and decide for yourself. Islam has robbed you of this gift from birth. Parents, aided by relatives and brainwashed by slaveholder imams and mullahs, colluded and did the thinking for you when you were still in no position to exercise your right. They branded you as Muslim, simply because you were born in a Muslim family. Cattle are branded, not humans. Cattle are owned by others. Humans are not. Having branded you “Muslim,” those who robbed you of your gift of self-determination dared you to leave their bondage under the threat of death as apostate. ]]

It goes on with much more... please read and share. Voices like this, if heeded and expanded, will do much to win this war we are in.

America: muslims' Heaven On Earth


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