In Livermore, Too, Charles...
Little Green Footballs has a great post (LINK) about the moonbat convergence upon Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Well, I work in the Protective Force Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California... and they came here, too. It was very special... they came with drums and peace pipes (I'm a bit worried about my next drug test after being around that) and strange costumes of every type. We made several dozen arrests (all pre-planned by the protesters), and I got to talk to lots of people with "divergent" opinions.
My favorite was the very nice older lady who was preaching how our Lab was making "individual nuclear weapons" for all of the soldiers in our army to carry in their packs.
Another one was wailing (and I do mean "wailing"... geez...) about how residents of Livermore had found chunks of plutonium and uranium in their back yards.
Wow... and I remember how much trouble there was recently when some of our Officers lost some keys...
Anyway, here are some pictures from the festivities. Click an image to enlarge it.
They came to plant flowers...
They brought their own firepower...
Of course, they did it all under the flag of the organization they pray to...
Admit it! They do make some snappy banners!
Yes, there were dancers, too...
Just so we didn't forget why they were there... after the dancer, and all...
One of California's finest... there to protect the rights of all moonbats...
All of that to prevent a little old cloud like this...
Welcome to all who came via LGF. I appreciate the visit! Please take time to check out my humble new site. I'm a rookie at this, but I'm trying very hard to make it interesting.
Here is a link to my opening statement (hard to believe that it was only two weeks ago)... LINK
C00L! Liked the ending!
> They came to plant flowers...
So that's where all the flowers have gone.... long time passing....
> Yes, there were dancers, too...
She's a plant.
She's got no underarm hair. Real lefty moonbats don't shave under their arms.
I ran into a group of these people while visiting my sister in oakridge, TN. They were protesting the y-12 complex.
Nick B: You made my coffee come out of my nose with the underarm thing...
Jason: I have some good friends that work at Oakridge... they are similar in nature to what we do here in Livermore. Although it is not as severe in TN, they do still have a nasty infestation of moonbats from time to time.
Thanks for the material. ;-)
Does this mean my order for "Tactical Weapons, Individual, Type-nuclear (TWITs)" for all of the soldiers in my unit to carry in our packs will be delayed?
The dancer was kinda cute. Probably dimmer than a night-light.
TWIT's!! That is priceless...!!
Mind if I use that sometime, fastac 6?
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