Saturday, August 20, 2005

Scotty Would Be Proud!

While I'm on a roll... here is yet another good news piece.

How encouraging it is that the Brits and Scots are waking up from their PC slumber. With people like this calling it like it is, there is hope that the religion of peace will have to find new ways to spread its hatred and jihad in the UK.

[[ SCOTLAND'S most senior churchman says extremist Muslim clerics should leave the country, and has branded them "hypocrites" who treat their neighbours as "enemies".

Church of Scotland Moderator, Rev David Lacy, also accuses radical Islamists of speaking out "against us from within" while receiving "heart operations and care on our system".

Lacy said extremist Muslims - such as Muhammad al-Massari, who has been accused of encouraging attacks on coalition soldiers in Iraq - should go.

"They have been welcomed as brothers and have treated us as enemies. It is hypocrisy, they should leave," said Lacy.

"If we are their enemies they should have nothing to do with us, but they don't. They speak out against us from within and get heart operations and care on our system. And we are happy to do that for them, to have rights and care, but we expect them to love us in return and accept our right to be who we are."

Lacy also criticised civil liberties campaigners, whom he accused of stressing rights while underplaying the need for individual responsibility.

He added that those who believed it was Christian to "turn the other cheek" to such extremism were misunderstanding the Gospel message and claimed that believers had a duty to "confront evil".
]] (LINK to good news)

Who could argue with this logic? Seriously... who?

Okay, okay... I know, I know... geez...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we can get him over here on a speaking tour.

21/8/05 12:32  

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