Sunday, September 04, 2005

What's That... A Voice Of Reason??

Is such a thing possible?

Here's a great column from Steve Chapman that takes a fair and measured look at reality. What a concept.

[[ These things are called disasters for a reason: They have terrible consequences, most unavoidable and some unforeseeable. When nature unleashes its fury, it leaves a mess no amount of human ingenuity can instantly dispel. The images of chaos and death in New Orleans come as a shock, but what would we expect of the worst natural disaster in American history? Yet some people behave as though only incompetence or evil motives could account for anything that went wrong. ]] (LINK to column)

I hope more and more voices like this will soon begin to overpower the childish ranting we've been hearing. I doubt it, but I hope...

BTW, Mr. Chapman has been guilty of slinging around common sense before. (LINK)


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