Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hmmmmm...... Again.

Okay, as we learned the other day, the real culprit behind this whole "global warming" thing has been crafty old Sol.

Well, now we get even more distressing news for those intent on blaming Conservatives for the planet's climatological proclivities... are you ready for it?

Global Warming? Not What It Used To Be... Before 1998, Anyway

Wow... the moonbats are NOT going to like this.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.


Sheesh...only a EUnuch would come up with such a frou-frou word for "Bullshit."

A good article, though, and kind of surprising coming from Europe (although the Brits have never really been European in the worst sense of the word).

Tsar, out.

BTW, haven't heard from Husker in a while. Wonder where he went...

12/4/06 14:10  

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