Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Moonbats In The Great Northwest

Seattle is going after military recruiters.

Wow... I'm so surprised.

This is a dog-bites-man story if ever I heard one.

Strange how we're accustomed to hearing about these traitorous actions taking place in moonbat enclaves all over America. Wait... maybe "strange" isn't the right word... maybe it should be "sad"... very, very sad.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.

""It's important to remember that the military is a viable option for some students, and I'm not sure that the school district or the city should be put in the position of deciding what students should or should not hear," said Holly Ferguson, a Seattle School District attorney."

It's good to see that someone in Skeddadle doesn't have a brain completely fogged by the weather in that goof-burg...

Tsar, out.

5/4/06 14:23  

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