Thursday, July 06, 2006

Not Just Another Great American...

...but a very special one.

Please read this. Here is what it means to serve your country.

This man is forty-three years old... an age when most men are mentally and physically incapable of such things-even if they were inclined to do it.

[[ New York City Police Department Detective Evan L. Schwerner had nearly 21 years off active duty in the Marine Corps when in the four-year wake of Sept. 11, 2001, he decided he could better serve his family and country in the global war on terror as a Marine in Iraq. ]]

Former Marine Comes Back After 21-Year Break

I would really like to meet this Marine and shake his hand. This reminds us of the true nature of sacrifice and service.

Semper Fi, Cpl. Schwerner!



Blogger warhorse said...

It's always good to see that there are such people to respond to our need. It's even nicer to see that some of them are still wholeheartedly supported by their communities!


6/7/06 14:34  

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