Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Quiz Time!

This will be a very good test to see if you've been paying attention.

What do all of these things have in common?

* Vietnam
* Cambodian genocide
* Invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviets
* Communist takeover of Nicaragua
* Iranian Hostages
* Rescue of American hostages in Grenada
* Bombing of Beirut Marine Barracks
* Creation and funding of the Strategic Defense Initiative
* A Nuclear "freeze" with the Soviets
* Deployment of Pershing Missiles in Europe
* The B-1 and B-2 Bombers
* The Trident submarine
* The Patriot Missile
* Removing Saddam from Kuwait
* The Patriot Act
* NSA Eavesdropping of Terrorist calls
* Terror Detainee Bill

Think about it... and then go read the article to find the answer.

Check Answers Here

Well? How did you do?


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