Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Waking Up Conservatives

Here's Jed Babbins discussing modern American Conservatism. It is worth a read... especially this part:

[[ So what's left of Conservatism? Everything Ronald Reagan appealed to is still there. It could revert to a "silent majority" because no Republican leader has dedicated himself to it and worked to unify it. Conservatives, unlike liberals, adhere to a set of principles: (1) A strong America, acting in its own interests, in foreign affairs and without waiting for the UN to give us permission. They want to define the war we're in clearly, aim whatever it takes to defeat the enemy, and restore whatever level of pre-9-11 peace can be achieved; (2) preservation of America's Constitution, religious freedom and culture (which means refusing to compromise on things such as illegal immigration, late-term abortion, and phony "rights" which serve to separate Americans from their responsibilities of citizenship); (3) fiscal responsibility, tax cuts and commensurate cuts in the size of government and government spending.

There's a conservative agenda we can re-unify around. We need a leader to rally around and it's up to us to test the applicants. Let no faux-conservatives apply.

That about sums up my position- at least in a generic sense. I strongly believe that most Americans feel the same way. It seems to be just a matter of verbalizing it and letting people get involved in following a movement that they honestly believe in. Mr. Babbin is correct in saying that it will take a real leader to get us there. I'm not sure who it is... maybe Newt... but I hope he/she comes along soon.

The Coming Conservative Renaissance


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