Sunday, August 14, 2005

Bad vs Worse

Actually, I find it very comforting that they are fighting one another... makes me feel like we're not the only ones who Allah wants dead... turns out- depending on which side you ask- he wants all of them dead, too!

Who didn't see this coming? Actually, it has been happening for some time now... over a thousand years, by most estimates. There is such division among the various sects of islam... and when the fringe players can't even play nice long enough to fight the infidel Westerners, you know it's bad!

[[ Zarqawi is in a bind. His plan to foment civil war between Sunnis and Shiites is now being opposed by his Sunni "allies". Sunni tribes are tiring of his violence against fellow Iraqis, even against non-Sunnis. Al Qaeda must stop the election to ratify the constitution to further deny the Iraqi government legitimacy. Sunni clerics are beginning to encourage their followers to vote. Zarqawi responds by using the only tools he understands – threats, intimidation, violence.

-- The leaders of four of Iraq's Sunni tribes had rallied their fighters in response to warnings posted in mosques by followers of Zarqawi. The postings ordered Ramadi's roughly 3,000 Shiites to leave the city of more than 200,000 in the area called the Sunni Triangle. The order to leave within 48 hours came in retaliation for alleged expulsions by Shiite militias of Sunnis living in predominantly Shiite southern Iraq.

-- "We have had enough of his nonsense," said Sheik Ahmad Khanjar, leader of the Albu Ali clan, referring to Zarqawi. "We don't accept that a non-Iraqi should try to enforce his control over Iraqis, regardless of their sect -- whether Sunnis, Shiites, Arabs or Kurds.'' ]]

This is from The Fourth Rail - the whole post is a very good read. (Link to original post)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I'm not crying. Given what the Sword of Islam has done to the Body of Christ over the centuries, I hope they turn on each other like rats in a cage.

Pomoze Bog.

Tsar Lazar

PS You have a great blog---keep it up. :)

14/8/05 14:55  
Blogger kmg said...

Thanks, tsar lazar (cool name!),

I agree with you... the history revisionists not withstanding, many people are fully aware of the true nature of the aggression that the West has faced from the "religion of peace".

Thanks for the input- I appreciate it!

14/8/05 16:20  
Blogger kmg said...

" ... Long and short of it is that we are beating Zarqawi at the hearts and minds game. We're inside his decision cycle and he's starting to become more and more desperate. ... "

This is the very heart of the matter. With patient consistency and the full support of our people, this one is a foregone conclusion.

Patience is not our country's current strong point...

Sad, but true.

14/8/05 20:06  
Blogger kmg said...

Tsar Lazar:

Well said...

Yes, we can "only hope"... and we can "only pray"...

...but, we can also keep the offensive going- and keep the fight in their yard for as long as we need to.

Best defense...

14/8/05 22:10  

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