Are They Winning?
The other day, I got a phone call from my Mother, who is back home in Colorado. Now, keep in mind that my parents are old-school democrats who never escaped the negative gravity that party developed in the 60's and 70's. The fact is, they are more conservative than most anyone else I know... but they are loyal democrats. I discussed this at some length in this post of mine. Anyway... she asked me what I thought about the disgrace of the federal government leaving all those poor people to die just because they were black. No, I'm not kidding... she actually said that.
I, of course, straightened her out. I told her all about how the black mayor of the city had failed miserably and how the liberal female governor had failed miserably. Then I reminded her that FEMA is not a first responder, etc. She did not know any of this. She does now and actually thanked me for it.
Then, yesterday, I was talking with some of my fellow sheepdogs at work. We were discussing the hurricane aftermath, and they were completely unaware of the school bus fiasco- and of the governor of Louisiana delaying the start of emergency procedures.
What's going on here? Is the media just not doing their job??
Or... as I fear, are they doing their job exactly as they intend to...?
Information is power. Plain and simple.
We have to do better in this area. When normal people get the facts, they are remarkably adept at making good choices. When they are fed misinformation and propaganda, though...
We must push harder against this liberal media monster. It is a scourge upon our nation.
Okay, we all have our marching orders! Now, go and tell somebody something that is true!!
You have to remember not everyone reads our blogs or is on the Internet at all. We get all the news that really matters (the true answers) because of people who get it out here. The news media doesn't tell all this, so those who do not compute are left out in the cold. And, unless we tell them, they don't understand.
I was reading somewhere awhile ago on another blog, that the Red Cross wasn't allowed in New Orleans, for fear they'd help some people and they wouldn't want to leave. And, also that, while the incompetent mayor was screaming and cussing about not being sent help, water, and food, it was right there, waiting to come in, but the authorities wouldn't let them in!
And, I'm glad you mentioned FEMA. The head honcho has been crucified in the media. YET, as you said, they are not first responders!
Someone else brought up the situation with the troops not going in early - another problem of the governor. So much of this can be dumped at the feet of the local and state governments! Maybe they need to do a re-overhaul of that!
Oh my gosh, we have the same mom!
My sister (SAJ) and I could have easily written what you wrote. Our parents follow the MSM as gospel.
We (mostly SAJ) are working on them, though ;o)
Jen W:
I think there are a whole lot of "moms" like ours out there. That whole generation of good, conservative democrats has been sold out by the liberals in that party.
Cognitive dissonance is a tough thing...
Hey, sis ;o)
kmg, I'll never understand their logic. It's illogical!
Logic runs away screamiing whenever a liberal enters the room.
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