Sunday, September 04, 2005

Large And In Charge

Thank God for our military. How many times in American history have our troops had to come in and save the day here at home? It is amazing that so many in the DFL can actually continue to villify and attack our military.

Anyway, here is some scoop from the military bosses.

LINK to story

BTW, notice this passage and how politely it is put:

[[ By the end of the weekend, 30,000 Army and Air Guard troops are expected to be on duty in the region.

The National Guard support is critically needed because two-thirds of New Orleans' police force is out of commission because they've lost their homes or can't get to their offices, Blum said. Others, he said, simply find the city too dangerous to work in.

"Too dangerous to work in." Yeah... okay. They are, of course, talking about the NOPD falling short.


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