Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Honesty... Or Just More Bile?

The latter, I'm afraid.

Well, I could say that you have to admire his honesty... but I won't say that. I won't say that because there is no real honesty to admire- just more bitterness from a leftist extremist who can't get over his BDS. He has packaged it differently, but it remains the same old crap. We never thought he supported the troops to begin with- those of us paying attention know that none of his ilk support our country at all.

The interesting part is that he will no doubt attract other moonbats who are tired of lying about "supporting the troops" and are ready to admit their hatred for all things American.

Perhaps this is another step closer to the civil war that some think is coming. Part of me really hopes so... and not just because our side has all the guns and fighting skills. Mostly it is because we need to stamp out this disease that is trying to sweep our population into a neo-marxist, islamofascist-appeasing corner.

Anyway... here it is. Enjoy.

Stein: "I Do Not Support The Troops"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't let it ruin your day, it should make your day because these idiots are coming out and showing their true colors. think about the reaction from average people who read that article.

24/1/06 15:10  
Blogger Barbara said...

I just read the entire article on another blog. This one sentence stuck out at me:

"I do sympathize with people who joined up to protect our country, especially after 9/11, and were tricked into fighting in Iraq. I get mad when I'm tricked into clicking on a pop-up ad, so I can only imagine how they feel."

I don't believe any of them got 'tricked' into anything. But, this guy is nuts to think that HE can imagine how any of those men/women feel! I also took offense at the Vietnam crack, too, considering my husband was over there!

Maybe it's time the 'guy' with the 'education, money, etc' got off his duff and give something to this country, besides dribble coming under the guise of a journalist!

Oh, I just read his bio, which says he is 'desperate for attention'. :) Maybe this is why he wrote the piece!

24/1/06 21:29  
Blogger kmg said...

That is most certainly one of his main reasons, Barbara. No doubt about that.

All those whiny little p***-ants want attention... and the best way for them to get it is usually to say something stupidly outrageous- and then be hailed as "courageous" by their idiot brethren.

Imagine the high-fives going on in moonbat-ville over this one. It's almost amusing, in a way.

25/1/06 05:59  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... on the one hand, we have places like Germany and most recently Canada perhaps gradually sliding towards a more rational political and social stance. On the other hand, we have folks like the mullahs of Iran, our good buddy Mr. Stein, here, and most recently the Palestinians, gradually showing their true colours at last ... Why do I have this feeling that we're watching the run-up to something exceedingly large and nasty? :-(


26/1/06 16:34  
Blogger kmg said...

Husker: although that type of "attention" does technically count... it would solve nothing.

It may make you feel better for a moment (or two), but ultimately, it will just empower his "victimhood."

27/1/06 06:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.

"Sometimes you get lucky and get to fight ethnic genocide in Kosovo"

I really object to that. Kosovo was not a war of genocide at all---it was an incursion designed to prevent Islamic terrorism (the KLF was a jihadist organization, something the MSM never bothered to report) and to secure territory which has been Serbian for many centuries from Albanian invasion.
The KOFOR "intervention" was an abysmal act of self-justification by NATO and little else. We had no business being there, let alone conducting bombing raids against Jugoslavija with whom we had no emnity. Whether or not one agrees with the methods of the Milosovic government, there is little room for arguing against the reasoning and purposes behind them. But of course, since Kosovo was undertaken under the lame leadership of the Lothario of Little Rock, to the MSM the intervention was an "approved" military action.

29/1/06 20:41  

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