Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Reality Check

You know, it's always amusing to me when the moonbats rant about "Nazi" tactics of Conservatives... and how "repressed" our society is because of the Patriot Act. However, if you ask them to name one- just one!- of their "liberties" that have been taken away, they will stammer and flammer (I made up that word because it rhymed) and then probably finish with something like "Yeah, well... Bush lied and people died!"

Anyway, now along comes this reminder of what real oppression is. The only surprise here is that the people actually fought back.

Chinese Violently Quell New Protest

So... ask your local moonbat what he/she thinks about the government oppression in China. No doubt the answer will be both enlightening and amusing.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.

Communists don't "brutally suppress" pro-democracy movements; they just "contain reactionary terrorists." This is especially true of China, or "Chinahr" as the drunken slob of Chappaquiddick would say.

OT, but is anyone surprised that Hollywood has once again revealed the Grand Canyon-sized gulf between it and the rest of society? Yes, the degenerati have given a pair of Golden Globes [raised eyebrow at the unconcious humor here] to a film glorifying homosexuality---"Brokebutt Mountain." It makes me wonder if the students in China during the "Cultural Revolution" weren't right to put the cultural elites to the wall---or in gulags.

On a final, positive note, though, two words---Justice Allito. Hoo-yah!! :) As the Sarge said earlier, progress is incremental.

17/1/06 06:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.

Oh, and BTW---

It is with dark amusement that I read that the 13-year-old girl in the protest died of a "heart attack."

Its common knowledge that many political prisoners in the Lubyanka (the infamous KGB prison, for you neophytes) died of what was officially termed a "brain hemorrage." Of course, the diameter of that hemorrage was about 9mm.....

17/1/06 06:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.

Sorry to hog bandwidth, but y'all gotta go read Ann Coulter's latest: "FORK REPLACES DONKEY AS DEMOCRATIC PARTY SYMBOL"
(January 11, 2006)

It's great, and well worth the read.

Sorry, but I'm in a irrepressible mood today. I spent "MLK Day" bagging a 280 lb. wild sow. The barbecue is this coming weekend, for as my Southern Missourah grandfather always said, "If it ain't 'cued, it ain't food." It's too bad you all aren't living nearby; I'd invite you to the feast, or "pork slam," as my stepson calls them.

17/1/06 06:39  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just one? Okay: searches without a warrant.

19/1/06 11:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you been searched without a warrant? Please do tell.

20/1/06 05:34  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pomoze Bog.


Yeah...my wife searches my wallet without a warrant with distressing regularity, and my cats have no respect for property rights---to them, being hungry is "probable cause" for raiding anything left out, whether wrapped or no. ;p

20/1/06 06:41  

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