Saturday, July 08, 2006

Ah, The Press...

The old york times and the associated (islamic) press are definitely friends to the military, eh? Here is their latest helpful article- based on one of their famous "anonymous" sources.

The only reason I am posting this one is because of the supreme irony contained in the closing paragraph. After spewing on and on about all the accusations floating around against U.S. Military personnel, the piece closes with:

[[ Such cases threaten to further weaken popular support for the Iraq war in the United States and tarnish the military's image. ]]

Wow... I don't think they even get how incredibly far gone they are.

Haditha Review Gossip



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, you definitely don't want to go there! Unfortunately, lots of Americans accidentally go there everytime they turn on tv news or read a paper.

9/7/06 06:36  

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