Friday, October 06, 2006

Progress And Hope For Babies

Abortionists have so convinced themselves that killing babies is good that it takes them a very long time to see the truth.

Here's one professor who has had a change of heart... at least partially. I could be angry that he still thinks early abortions are okay- but instead I'll focus on the fact that he is coming around and may convince others. In fact, if his words change even one woman's mind and save one little life, it will be very good.

[[ There is something deeply moving about the image of a baby cocooned inside the womb. When four-dimensional scans first became available three years ago, I sat with parents who trembled at the sight of their soon-to-be newborn. They told me they wanted to stroke its downy head.

Advanced scanning means we have a window on the secret life of foetuses. At 11 weeks we can see them yawn, and even take steps. At 22 weeks, they begin to open their eyes.

Between 20 and 24 weeks we watch as they seem to cry, smile and frown. Understandably, these incredible images have influenced the debate on abortion. I pioneered the 4-D scanning technique in the UK and it has certainly caused me to question my own opinions.

Keep questioning, Doc... until you make the final leap to the absolute truth that it is wrong, wrong, wrong to kill babies. You're off to a good start, though.

Don't Tear A Smiling Foetus From The Womb



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disgustingly true, saj.

9/10/06 05:20  

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