Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Remember... and Pray

18 years ago...

First: it must be remembered for what it was: a horrific and vicious attack on our nation by Muslim fundamentalists.  The demonic action was born of pure hatred.  Hatred for freedom and hatred for anyone not willing to "submit" to Islam.

Now, everything has to be political... and that cheapens the memory of those who were savagely murdered on that day.  It further weakens the fabric of our country.  The terrorists get another win every time Americans surrender to political hate and divide themselves.  This is what they wanted and we are giving it to them.

Here are the gut-wrenching 9-11 numbers:

Lives lost: 2,977
NYC firefighters lost: 343
NYC police officers lost: 23
Port Authority officers lost: 37
Nations who lost a citizen: 115
Children who lost a parent: 3,051
People who lost a spouse: 1,609

The attacks have also claimed the lives of a number of people who helped clear the wreckage afterward, as cancer and other conditions caused by toxic smoke have begun to emerge.

Please... leave the politics out and just remember the act, why it happened, and most importantly, the souls lost and families devastated by it.  And pray... pray for the souls... pray for the survivors... pray for our nation... and pray for peace.

This was taken the day before:

Another before picture:

And so... please:

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