The next time you hear the apologists ranting about how islam is a religion of "tolerance" and all that crap... think of this story- which is, by the way, only the smallest tip of the iceburg when it comes to this subject.
In Pakistan, like every other muslim country on Earth, Christians are routinely persecuted and attacked. Here's a story about one family who gives in and converts to islam for "economic" and other reasons. Keep in mind the regular treatment of Christians by the "tolerant" muslims.
[[ In February about 400 people attacked and burnt a church in the southern city of Sukkur after accusations that a local Christian had burned pages from the Koran.
After a similar allegation last November a Muslim mob wielding axes and sticks set fire to three churches, a dozen houses, three schools, a dispensary, a convent and two parsonages.
The attacks were the worst on Pakistan's Christian community since 2002, when Muslim fanatics led an assault on a church with grenades on Christmas Day. Three young girls were killed in that attack, at Chianwala, 40 miles north of Lahore. ]]
Where Christianity Faces A Fight To SurviveYeah... "tolerant"... that's exactly the word I was thinking.