Via the ever-alert
Michelle Malkin, we get the story of FAR left college students trashing the memory of one of our greatest national heroes, Pappy Boyington.
Another blogger,
Paradosis, does a good job telling it like it is... and he adds his righteous anger, too.
Now, here's mine. I was assigned to the honor guard detail that took care of Pappy's final services. We guarded his coffin as he lay in repose- being visited by countless people. We took him to the airfield, where his old squadron- the Black Sheep- showed up and flew escort all the way from California to Arlington National Cemetary.
Prior to that week, I had met him a few times at Marine Corps Birthday balls and other social events. This was a character... wow! He lived hard and never apologized for a minute of it. He honored all of us young Marines by always shaking our hands and spending time telling us stories. This was a Marine's Marine.
Instead of going on a rant to the idiots at that college... I'll focus on the positive and say that there are still enough people who remember and care about our national treasures- like Pappy Boyington... and we will teach our kids to always honor and respect their legacy and memory.
Semper Fi, Pappy... we have your wing!!!